A.P. Grow MBA, PhD
Promoting Management Excellence Worldwide
Offices in China? (fact #3 is about me)
The Problem
Like waters, some work cultures are terrific, others tolerable, and, sadly, toxic or near toxic work cultures exist too. When work cultures aren't good, engagement suffers, customer service levels decrease, as does morale and productivity, and quality team members leave. Any one of these creates loss for organizations. Together, the negative impact is even greater.

The Cause

The Missing Piece
Most managers bring knowledge, energy, and experience to their roll. What many are missing, however is an overarching strategy that can guide them to being elite managers. The goal for every organization should be that every manager be an elite manager.
The Solution
High impact work cultures - those that have the most productive teams and the fewest HR issues - have leaders who know and apply the three essentials for management excellence. Get my whitepaper, The Essentials of Management Excellence, and see if my insights align with your experience about how the best managers foster superior work environments to consistently get the best results with their people and teams.

Get Your Complimentary Whitepaper - The Essentials of Management Excellence
Past president and proud member of the National Speakers Association's Northwest Chapter